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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I do," she continued, not allowing him to turn her thoughts around even if when put into perspective they were rather young by wizard standards.

Emmeline mused silently to herself that she had seemingly been the late bloomer among her friends when it came to settling down and having children, but with all that she had gone through and to only be twenty-three. It was a miracle she'd made it this far and because her soul felt a bit old, she had to remind herself that wasn't the case.

She stepped around the piles she had made and hummed to herself. Just a little trip down memory lane, it was.

"You see, I have an almost one year old son, I'm nearly halfway to my ten year Hogwarts reunion, and I've been stuck on the same bloke for five whole years." Emmeline pursed her lips, putting her hands behind her back in a playful manner as she rocked on her heels, watching Caradoc move about. Andrew stuck his tongue out at her and she mimicked the teasing expression. "Today, actually. Five long years, today."

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