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▪▫▪ c ε d ([info]docstheword) wrote in [info]valesco,
Caradoc looked at Emmeline darkly, though he paid no more mind to the jab at his age than that. After experiencing many brink-of-death scenarios, he could say he had come to appreciate any age after twenty-one. Not that he would tell her that.

Twenty-one--- had he really been that young that night? It seemed eons away, ages, lives ago (he supposed that was true), a feat achieved by a past self. And, something far from what his life currently was. Yes, definitely much different now, he thought, as Andrew pulled at his mother's hair. Gentle amusement filled him at some visual acknowledgment of what Emmeline must endure day in and out with him.

"I am the ripe age of twenty-five, a wizard still in his mature youth," Caradoc produced seamlessly, pulling his lips together a bit amusedly.

"If you feel old, then..." Caradoc trailed off, shrugging his shoulder in a faux disinterested manner. He supposed he coule make a quip about how young she was, but somehow he figured that might come around back to bite him. So instead, he bent down to casually look further at what else was on the ground.

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