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e m m e l i n e ♔ ([info]advancingly) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Andrew got into everything," she said, looking over some more sheets of parchment before standing. Emmeline pushed up to kiss Caradoc hello, ignoring the swat to the face that Andrew nearly always handed her when she tried to get in the middle of him and his father. Oh, just wait until he became a teenager, Emmeline was sure this love affair would have its less-than-adorable moments.

She peered at the postmark and smiled, nodding in bewilderment. 1979 had been a tremendous year in a lot of ways. Graduating from Hogwarts, Anneliese's wedding, starting St. Mungo's, and kissing Caradoc for the first time. Well--no, they'd had some sort of teasing, nearly angry snogging session in Hogwarts before, but that was only because he wouldn't back down from a challenge. Certainly not her fault. Through all the many challenges they both had gone through since then, Emmeline was finding herself so proud of where they had ended up. It would be easy for her to fall into a hole of darkness, dredging up the miserable memories, but she'd survived it all; you were allowed to be proud of that, right?

"Can you believe that was five years ago? I'm feel so old." Emmeline smirked, letting Andrew tug on her hair. If his attention was focused elsewhere, she would have a good thirty seconds or so to have a conversation with Caradoc that didn't involve her son's high-pitched babbling language. "Not as old as you, of course, but."

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