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▪▫▪ c ε d ([info]docstheword) wrote in [info]valesco,
He supposed he should have gotten use to the small gremlin that tackled his knees everyday when he returned home from work, but that would also require for this creature of a son he had to stop growing too quickly before his eyes. Hadn't he just been born a year ago? And now he was walking, almost talking (screeching, was more appropriate actually), and showing so much character already that it was impressive. Though for a Dearborn, Caradoc thought as he dropped his things on the table and, it was all rather on schedule.

"What trouble have you gotten into today?" he asked his son rather happily, as Emmeline was currently out of reach and Caradoc could not withhold his amusement concerning the daily minimal terrors their son brought her during the day. Reaching down to pick Andrew up, the boy squirmed like a flobberworm in his hands before contently wrapping his small arms around Caradoc's neck for balance. Swallowing, Caradoc pressed his lips together in an amused manner, and quickly blew a bout of air in Andrew's face before moving to make their way to Emmeline.

"What's all this, then?" he asked when they finally reached her, and Caradoc was able to take in the closet contents spilled out all over the floor. Knowing that all Andrew had really desired was a free ride back to his mother, Caradoc easily placed him back on the ground and picked up a piece of parchment instead.

"1979?" he asked cautiously, reading the postmark of a random letter. He looked down at Emmeline in a dubious manner; this wasn't a precursor sign of nostalgia, was it? Because he wasn't quite sure if he could handle another one of those.

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