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bess d. fawcett ([info]bestzeller) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Mm," Bess hummed, "quarter 'till midnight."

Though, time had started to blur. Bess was wide awake for such a late hour, but she supposed Brian pulling her into bed with him around seven had helped with that. It had been easy to slip away because his siblings had joined them on the mattress and the comfort of not being alone kept the little ones in a peaceful sleep. Sadie more or less had an idea of what was going on and she had been very good at accepting the very small celebration her birthday. She'd wished for her Aunt Penny to get better and had offered up some dolls to take to the hospital.

Bess was glad that their children were handling themselves with grace, as it seemed that their usual monstrous selves knew when and where they should behave. It made her life a little easier, but she knew that even if they were acting up that would be something kept far away from the halls of St. Mungo's. There would be no need to add onto Drystan's current stress-filled days.

"You should eat," she said with a nod. Molly Weasley had taught her long ago that the quickest way to a man's heart was through food (though Bess had a few ideas of some alternative routes), and the comfort a good meal brought to someone literally filled them up unlike a hug or a worried glance could. Even if Drystan refused it, Bess herself could at least feel like she'd done something other than simply sit by his side and wait for something, anything.

"There's also dessert," Bess added with a tilt of her head, her hair slipping out of its loose braid. She smiled, hoping to lighten the mood for a few moments.

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