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Darren Quigg : Ministry Maintenance ([info]hustlequigg) wrote in [info]valesco,
Darren gave a little roll of his eyes as he took another swallow of whiskey. It was thoroughly more difficult for him to make the connections she had. He was lacking all the non-monetary assets that she possessed. To be quite honest, though, the real reason he had never sought his contacts and dealers was due the very likely fact that Vena would find out and have his head on a platter. Therefore, he was exceedingly relieved that Lydia was willing to give him the hit.

The less deals he did for himself, the better.

"Right. If you would try not to really jab it in there this time that would be wonderful."

Resting his head back to the cushions with a sigh, Darren stared blankly up at the ceiling. The ice in his tumbler shifted about as he open his arms wide once more to set them to the back of the sette. His knees also edged further apart to be more comfortable - he suspected that Lydia would end up on his lap in order to get better aim over his eyes. Actually, he was fairly certain (in his dodgey memory) that she had routinely ended up on his lap regardless of aim whenever they met but that was beside the point.

"Hit away," Darren invited as he continued to stare up at the ceiling.

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