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s f м ([info]mullets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-03-12 01:28:00

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Entry tags:howell williams, saoirse mullet

She had shoved the ragged wand box under and behind the stack of her favorite books on her desk, but the corner of her unwanted weekend delivery was jutting out just enough that it could still be seen if one looked hard enough. Which she did, so Saoirse had, yet again, taken to fixedly staring her package, wrestling with what, if anything, to do concerning its disturbing appearance. Would it be better or worse to give her broken wand the attention it undoubtably deserved? Give into the simmering terror it had immediately created within her, or continue to push any emotion concerning it down because she would not let anyone have that kind of power over her? It was even difficult to decide if she should contact Thomas, for that sprouted a whole new slew of issues her mind felt haggard at the thought of dealing with.

Howell shuffling into her bedroom broke Saoirse from her tangled thoughts, though only temporarily. She turned to look at him blankly, unable to truly take in what he was doing or saying, as her thoughts had become all consuming. Howell would... she would want him to tell her if something like this was happening to him, and she wanted to tell him... but, she didn't want to burden him, or anyone else for that matter, as he had just begun to feel better, and with his birthday on Thursday... that sounded silly. Those excuses were trite and downright thoughtless, and she knew she couldn't hold to them, but everything would be at lot easier if she could. She had to tell him, she must tell him; she could not hide behind trying to make this development insignificant, because it was not.

Taking in a shuddering breath, her gaze raked back across the room. Unaware to Howell other than that he was present in the room, Saoirse quietly slipped over to her desk. She pulled her lips back, then quickly reached to slip the box out of its hiding place.

"Howell," Saoirse started softly, now clutching the parcel in her hand tightly. She turned finally to look at him, seemingly much more aware of him, and their surroundings. "I'm going to tell you something, but I don't want you to get upset over it."

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2013-03-19 07:02 pm UTC (link)
The unadulterated tears she now had no control in stopping continued to fall, and in an attempt to hide them, Saoirse pushed her face into Howell's chest. She bunched the fabric of his front in her hands, still desperately needing contact despite feeling his arms around her and his hands seeking to comfort her in anyway they could. While the effort was appreciated, she was unsure any amount of tight holding, or the smallest closet in the world, could help her currently feel less terrified.

And, then, Saoirse begin to cry harder at his words, as they gripped at her heart in ways she could not discern. Had they moved her, or weighted her down further with the verbal acknowledgement effectively dragged Howell into this? Perhaps a bit of both. Or, even more significantly, did they sieze her so tightly because they made her realize she had much more to loose than the time before?

In attempt to nod her head feebly, which resulted to be just a plain poor attempt, instead Saoirse curled closer into him still, facing as much of herself as she could against him. Saoirse knew she would endure this, like she had all other difficulties in her life, but knowing better, she understood that making it through an ordeal didn't leave you without scarred remnants. Going through it in itself... the thought exhausted her. It emotionally drained her, and after a while it seemed her physical exhaustion met her emotional one, crying herself into quietness.

"I believe you," she murmured tiredly, as soon as she could manage, and in spite of feeling quite the urge to smack him for almost partly being behind her emotional display. But it was a weak annoyance, one that didn't last and had no merit, and passed as easily as she did leaning in more comfortably to his protective arms. Closing her eyes, Saoirse took a final long, shuddering breath before willing herself into sleep.

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