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e t h a n ([info]duelbreaker) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-02-24 15:54:00

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Entry tags:ethan jordan, larkin whitby

He walked as quickly and stiffly as possible through the expansive corridors of the castle. Ethan's head was whirling and he needed to see Larkin right now. In their month than a month long stay here at Larkin and Zayn's castle, Ethan had kept himself entertained by playing along with the castle guard bit, showing off some things to the muggles, and with the bit of liberty he was given, explored what he could. He gained access to a variety of locations, but never enough to be out of sight of the royal vizier. Of course he knew he was a wizard, but even Giaffar's appearing and disappearing acts managed to startle Ethan. Just when he felt like getting close, or getting hold of something that could be useful, there he was, ready to shut things down.

Tonight however, Ethan had set up a decoy. He'd slipped out in the middle of a fight in the guards' dining area that had been caused by some conveniently dropped rumors about some bloke's sister not being pure. That had been fun, and Giaffar was currently delighting himself in writing up the fools who had dared to cause such a ruckus. Ethan made his escape and now he'd managed hopefully some alone and private time with the Princess.

"Larkin," he whispered at the door, knocking quickly. He kept his eyes shooting down the dark corridor. "Whitby, open up!"

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2013-03-12 05:07 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not talking about this with you!" Larkin let out shrilly. She wasn't, he didn't know-- he had no idea what he was talking about. Or, if he did, she didn't feel comfortable enough to continue on with his brash words. They had gone on one assignment together, one! That was not-- for all intents and purposes, that didn't mean she knew anything about Ethan, and he her, except for perhaps some strange little details but that didn't give him the luxury of coming in here and demanding she address issues she had been struggle with for almost a year now. It didn't just-- work like that.

Nico would not do this, he would not agree with Ethan; Larkin knew, because if he did, he would have told her. He would have said something, anything if being here, and knowing how she truly felt about the prince was such vital information.

And she knew, this was a complicated situation, only made more complex by the fact that Nico and Ethan had gotten dragged into it, but she didn't know what to do. Where could she even begin? When she was so used to being away from home that she no longer felt homesick, and almost nothing was terrible here, yes, living as a muggle had its drawbacks but being with Zayn made it... it fought with her desire to return to her adventuring days, so much that she was unsure which was the winner.

Pressing her hair back over her shoulder with her hand, Larkin attempted to calm herself in preparation for her next words.

"If you want to leave so badly," she started coolly, clutching her own arms tightly. "Then go. I am sure the vizier will have no problem helping you leave, and give you your wand back, as he wants none of us here to begin with."

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