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L Μ W ([info]hark) wrote in [info]valesco,
Larkin had been in the process of braiding her hair when Ethan began to rapidly knock on the door, though she had little idea it was him that was doing the knocking. Usually after dinner these days, her nights consisted of leisure activities, which she had come to appreciate, followed by some not-so-leisure activities further in the night with Zayn that she always had appreciated.

But it was too early for that, and having already sent home her maid, Larkin placidly rose from her chair to casually walk to the door, not exactly having caught on to the urgent undertone in Ethan's voice.

"Ethan!" she declared pleasantly, ushering him inside at once. She had been meaning to get ahold of him, but with how busy everything seemed to be all the time it had just... slipped her mind. Or there had been other more pressing matters to attend to! Once it had been established that he, and Nico for that matter as well, had been taken out of whatever pit they'd originally been put in and given rooms and security of not disappearing in the middle of the night, Larkin's concern had dropped considerably.

"What is it?" she asked, closing the door behind them.

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