Henry :[
Seth didn’t even bother responding to Henry’s latest comment. Obviously he was in some sort of panic and he didn’t need to waste time with trivial platitudes. He was immediately regretting sending his nanny off on a well deserved vacation now that he didn’t have practice every day anymore as that left him few options of sitters on this short of a notice. And from what he could gather, it was not an environment he was about to introduce Leanne too.
By the time he found someone to watch her and made it over to Mungo’s at least a half an hour had past. If Henry was in a state before, Seth wasn’t sure what he was going to find now. When he finally managed to track his brother down he found him hunched over in a chair in a semi crowded waiting room. “Hey,” he said softly, resting his hand gently on his brother’s shoulder before dropping into the chair next to him. “I got here as soon as I could.”
He was at a loss for words, unsure what to say or how to ask the questions he wanted to ask. Asking if everything was okay when everything was clearly not okay seemed trite. As much as Seth loved to get under his brother’s skin, now was definitely not the time. So he settled for just not saying anything. It was the safest bet, if Henry wanted to talk about it he would and Seth would be there to listen. And if Henry didn’t want to talk about it, he would be there anyways.
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