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nora m. peakes ([info]melindicate) wrote in [info]valesco,
Delilah was talking to no one, or perhaps it was to the invisible parakeet on her shoulder, and Max was on the floor whining like a first year who missed his mum. Nora's eye was literally twitching, and from the stress she'd been under the past few weeks, it was remarkable that her head just didn't pop off. While she too was feeling under the weather, she was nowhere near in a state like Delilah or Max, and that certainly meant that she was going to continue leading this motley crew.

She pressed her fingertips to her temples to try and stop the headache that was already in full force. Nora needed to keep a somewhat level head, and if that meant playing the bad guy, she would have to play the bad guy.

"Get him up," she snapped at Delilah, pressing her lips together. Nora ducked down and draped one of Max's arms over her shoulder, looking up at her other weary friend. "I know you're tired, but at least you're standing. Let's get him up and back to the hotel----"

Nora shut her eyes to bite back a wave of nausea that swept through her. She needed to continue being the leader, she needed to put on a strong face, she needed something to make sense, because apparently life had decided to completely overturn itself. She took in a deep breath.

"Maybe we can catch a portkey home," she muttered, adjusting her footing to get ready to lift Max, even if Delilah wasn't capable. They'd be of no use to anyone in this state, and though it pained her, Nora knew that it was what had to be done.

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