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L Μ W ([info]hark) wrote in [info]valesco,
"If you did now then we'd probably be able to get out of that huge dinner they're planning for tonight," Larkin joked faintly, lips forming into something of a smile. But somehow, she figured her quip would not be much well received, so she did not linger on getting any recognition for it. Instead, she hiked her dress to her knees to walk freely enough to close the space between them.

The 'ameera' comment would be addressed at a later time when she could actually, in fact, reprimand him for it. She really wasn't in the position to be doing any of that right now.

"I didn't know how to tell you!" Larkin started, speaking in a rushed and hushed tone. In her defense, it was a rather long, complicated, and confusing story, and--- well, that was kind of a lie, it wasn't that complex, it just made her feel complicated, and therefore unwilling to deal with or think about it. It, being, that she had unknowingly married the crown prince of Jordan back in May and had been running from the monarchy trying to get her back here ever since.

Oh, maybe it was easy to explain.

Her nose scrunched as she thought for a minute, then revised her statement. "I didn't want to, either," she sighed, letting the bottom of her dress fall to the ground.

"I don't know why," Larkin blurted, before Nico could respond. Her shoulders bunched at her neck and she turned her palms face up in an unknowing manner. "I was going to tell you, I was planning to months ago. But then---" she stopped, momentarily, to glance around the airy room before finishing. "You know it's really hard bringing up the subject that you stupidly got married to a prince and then ran off about it. Especially when you don't want to talk about it." She let out a breath, having seemingly held it the entire time.

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