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the steady howell b. williams ([info]howl) wrote in [info]valesco,
She told him that because she thought he would need to hear it? Did that mean she really felt that way, or she was just telling him he was important to her to appease him? No, he couldn't—wouldn't—think that way, because hadn't Saoirse first said she didn't want to talk about breaking up, didn't want it to happen? So it wouldn't. He wouldn't let it. And now faced with the mess of his burgeoning feelings for her, and the scare of actually breaking up, the month didn't seem so bad, in comparison. Not that he wanted it, and had to say as much.

"It's not," Howell told her honestly, biting back a sigh as he cupped his hand over hers, sure she could feel his heart beating. That simple move had his defences dropping quicker than a snap. "It's not, but I'll do it because you asked me to." He couldn't bring himself to tell her that she hadn't overwhelmed her with her declarations; in fact, it would be quite the other way if he hadn't promptly curbed the impulse to tell her what she meant to him. And still might be, if he tried to appease her. Instead he tried to show her by bringing her closer, keeping his other arm around her waist.

He hunched his shoulders, feeling weary and wholly unwilling to let her go. Howell had a sinking sensation he had devolved to a full pirate and would sweep her over his shoulder if she refused him next. "Let's just forget it for now," he pleaded softly, bending to press his forehead to hers. "Can we just… spend the rest of the year together and forget it?"

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