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s f м ([info]mullets) wrote in [info]valesco,
She wasn't running away, she was letting him be, was that not clear? Saoirse tucked her chin to her shoulder as Howell shook her, her thoughts completely collecting at how tired she now felt. What had happened, why was this so difficult? Why was she so difficult? Why was this fight even happening in the first place?

Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, and Saoirse thought it better to not respond, for it felt like that would take more energy and only create more issue. But, as she so gluttonously was, she couldn't help herself, and her mouth began to run.

"I don't want to talk about breaking up, I don't want to think about it. I don't want it to happen," she mumbled quickly, pushing the side of her face into her own shoulder. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you, with saying how important... you are to me, I just thought---" She stopped for a moment, the words feeling stuck in her throat. "--- I thought that you would need to hear it, to agree to temporary space."

Exhaustion now felt like an appropriate word to describe her state, but she knew she had to continue on.

"I just need space, for a bit, to do a proper job," Saoirse let out in a smaller voice, once again feeling silly. For didn't other couples deal with this with ease? How did they do it? She had no bloody idea, because right now, it seemed like the most difficult thing in the world.

"I'm sorry that's... not what you want," she let out finally, her eyes closing for a moment. What more... she wasn't sure what else she could say? Or do... all Saoirse did know was that she did not want to be... she did not want to leave Howell like this, leave them in a place that was not... good. So, despite immediately thinking it inappropriate, her hand reached up to tentatively rest on his chest.

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