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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Yes! That is how this feels." Delilah breathed not letting go of him just yet. She felt like she would fall over if she did. What in the world was going on.

"Its not your fault." Delilah insisted. "I wanted to kiss you too. You are very-- its just-- I--" She didn't want to admit that this had happened before. Except then there was nothing in the air. Delilah was just a horrible person and this hit too close. Too soon. Before she knew it she was crying. She couldn't help it. Letting go of him, and covering her eyes, she apologized. "I am sorry. You are very handsome, and excellent snog. But but I have a boyfriend. And I don't think he'll understand because of-- because I-- and and now he's over there kissing---"

Delilah trailed off as her gaze landed on Rich when she spoke about him. He wasn't just kissing some random bird. That was Nona Pepper standing next to him. She choked back a sob. This was a terrible way to start out the new year. She felt like she was going to hyperventilate again, and she just managed talking. Everything was falling apart and what she really should do was go over and talk to Rich.

But all she wanted was to go find Charlie. He was best at calming her down. He always knew what to say and do and that is what she really needed. But she couldn't. Tonight was special for him and she was not going to ruin his night with her mistakes. Again.

"I need to leave. I can't--- I can't do this. I can't be here anymore."

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