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м k j ([info]jasper) wrote in [info]valesco,
Her jaw dropped, and Mira began to breath heavily once Seth removed his face from hers. She hadn't meant to do that. Had she? No, she certainly hadn't meant to do that. What had she been thinking? She hadn't been thinking. She was barely thinking now. What was she thinking?

She was thinking... she was thinking... her grip on Seth's front tightened. She was thinking that this familiarity felt good. And his touch felt pleasantly hot on her skin. But that didn't mean.... what did it mean? Mira's mind whirled, as she struggled with two internal pulls--- one that instructed her to start screeching, and the other to snog Seth Wadcock senseless. Why, why she had absolutely no idea, this all seemed so sudden--- well of course she looked beautiful tonight, she always looked beautiful.

Mira blinked quickly, then slitted her eyes. No, no, nope. Seth Wadcock was bad news, they wanted different things, it would be very bad to let anything else transpire between them more than what just had. That was the truth.

Nonetheless, a shiver went up her spine as he brushed her ear, and because of that, a deep yearning filled her that Mira hadn't known was there. It was so great, it was practically unbearable. And try as she may, there would be no ignoring it in this moment.

"Shush," she hushed, willing for the love of Merlin that Seth would for once hold his tongue. And if he couldn't, then she would make him, for almost immediately after she roughed her hand on his mouth, she removed it to replace with her lips again.

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