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the proud arista e. sykes ([info]bratemius) wrote in [info]valesco,
She blinked, looking up at him with her face a scant hair's breadth from the entirely too firm, too broad chest her hands rested against as she tried to maintain balance. For one harrowing second, Arista thought she'd almost smiled goofily before snapping to her senses.

It was hardly a surprise that she was blushing furiously, but that didn't make her any less annoyed with herself. Or with him. She'd taken such pains to avoid him, telling herself that no matter the attraction, any relationship with a fellow seeker, no matter how handsome, charismatic, or affable, was detrimental to her career. So, this moment shouldn't be happening. Had to be stopped. And while Arista would undoubtedly torture and kill her best friend at the nearest opportunity, such knowledge was no more helpful than as a distant comfort.

He could joke all he wanted, but Arista Sykes would not fall prey to his easy charm so swiftly again. If she'd dropped her guard before, it was due to ill-placed confidence and curiosity. That was certainly the only reason she'd let herself dance, converse, and laugh with him, but no longer! She knew better now. Or at least, she would know better as soon as she could tear her gaze away from his face.

Galvin Gudgeon was like a wild animal one shouldn't look in the eye.

"It may be a struggle, but I suppose I will," she said dumbly, after too long a moment. Noticing she was still slumped over, practically on his chest, she straightened her spine, but jerked a glance to the side. "Thank you, for…" Trailing off rather weakly, she opted not to finish the reference to her forced gracelessness. Rather, Arista looked down after a beat and tugged lightly on her arms still in his grip. "My—elbows, if you please."

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