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the intrepid greta d. l. catchlove ([info]catchthislove) wrote in [info]valesco,
Greta had been in two minds about going out to celebrate New Year's Eve, but Miranda and Ralph had talked her into going to the WWN's party they were planning on attending. Since she didn't really want to be sitting home by herself (with Maddie, of course!), it wasn't very hard to convince her. Asking Iwan Quigley to accompany her had been a last minute idea, but she was glad she had. Realising she'd been coming to lean on him quite heavily over the last few months, she was pleased to be asking him to do something fun with her for a change.

And it had been, in fact! Greta was enjoying herself immensely, and it seemed as if her friends were, too. New Year's celebrations were always the liveliest, and even her usually-reticent date was getting into the spirit of things. Speaking of Iwan, it was nearly midnight, and she had been a rather awful date for the last half an hour, or so. It had started with spotting a colleague and wandering off to say hello, then she'd been distracted by sampling one of the sweet bites (and finding it rather lacking), and just when she'd gotten the inkling time was getting away from her, the lights had begun to dim.

While she wasn't going to kiss Iwan, certainly, it would be rude to not make an attempt to find him when midnight struck, so she was strong-arming her way through the boisterous crowd when the countdown began. Still fighting her way through it, though it was a bit more difficult, she counted along with them, randomly slapped the hand of another body in the crowd, and whistled as the new year was greeted with a boom.

She looked up at the fireworks for a minute, awed, until her senses came to her. She had a date to find! "Pardon me," Greta said with a smile, tapping on the shoulder of the man blocking her way, "I need to—"

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