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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-11-28 20:31:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, arista sykes, galvin gudgeon, group, howell williams, magnolia mattias, michal conway lynch, noah boot, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, rose knightley, saoirse mullet, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack


It had been a long journey, but he and Maggie had finally, finally arrived here, where they could share their relationship with world. Celebrate it! With their family and friends (the most dramatic of which Adrian had made sure would be on their best behavior tonight through some light verbal assaulting), whom Adrian was more than willing to extend his happiness to. And it was, it was such a deep joy that he couldn't--- even though they had been married for months, tonight made it feel... official, like there could no longer be any question that they were Adrian and Maggie Mattias, with their two beautiful children and their beautiful life---

Adrian cut off his own thoughts, thinking that they would only lead to a less put together version of himself. Instead, he simply let his thoughts roll to how this was an excellent way to kick off what would unquestionably be the most hectic two months of his (and Maggie's) life. But in a good way, it made him content to think that... they would need to sit down and figure out their schedules to ensure seeing each other, staying together as a close family because in the end, if that wasn't important, then what really was? Working through and with the sport they individually loved, spending the holidays together... he had no doubt he and Maggie would work it out effortlessly.

And, just in case, it was a good thing they had spectacular sex to smooth any rough patches over.

His lips pressed into something of a grin, and letting his cheekiness take over him, Adrian reached over in his seat to graze his hand slowly up Maggie's leg. Dinner had just ended, and it was getting late enough that the lights that had been set up for hours were finally starting to create nothing short of a stunning atmosphere. Their guests could enjoy it, but he had all the beauty he needed right here.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" It was a serious question completely lost in his proud smile and light-mannered tone. Adrian leaned over to lightly kiss the side of Maggie's neck.

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2012-12-05 12:02 am UTC (link)
Thomas shook his head. Their friend needed time to clear his mind from the muck that had been driving him up the wall. He wished he had not been so busy these past few months, that he and Kendall would have had more time to spend being, well, friends like they used to. Thomas had of course known how much more time being a captain would take up, what with scheduling and management, press and having to actually speak at press conferences. The decision making alone had given him a few grays, let alone the late nights and early mornings. Maybe he simply hadn't had the energy to exert into something like a therapy session, especially with all the dramatics Rose had been going through as well.

He reached the corner of the wall and decided to sit down, draping his jacket along the edge, "Here, sit," he said to Rose.

Not only had Rose needed him tonight, but attending weddings together had become something of a tradition between them. Neither of pair were very good at handling the idea of a life-long commitment such as a marriage and having someone who understood you helped subdue the anxieties only a Ravenclaw could conjure. All the different ways it could go wrong, so many possibilities that could lead to a life time of anger and bitterness. How was it possible to know you would want to be with a person until you died? That decision was so very daunting and the idea of it have some sort of foundation had never even flickered in Thomas' mind. Maybe he was meant to become a crotchety old man.

At least he knew Rose would be there to understand his unconventional thoughts on one of humanity's oldest and most lasting institutions. He just didn't think it made much sense!

"Marriage is weird," he said, face scrunching a bit as he thought on it some more. "It's weird. Not like you even need to be married to have babies anymore, either." Thomas ducked his head slightly, fearing Maggie would be able to hear him from the opposite end of the reception. They could barely hear the festivities from where they'd wandered off to, but his former teammate was notorious for her temper.

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2012-12-05 08:06 pm UTC (link)
A long breath escaped her. Well wasn't he lucky to be having significantly less contact with Kendall than her.

No, no, that was uncalled for. Rose faintly shook her head, quickly putting to rest her unusually bitter thoughts. It wasn't right of her to be thinking like that, and she knew they were only happening because of the amount of stress currently present in her life. Once playoffs started, there would be more than enough distractions and time for her bristled attitude toward their friend to silently die away. This thought eased her, and as Rose sat down next to Thomas, she hooked her arm through his out of familiarity.

"It is weird," she said, holding her hands together in her lap. Marriage was weird. The concept, she understood of course, and she did believe it was right for some people, but the thought--- it sat so strangely in her insides that as beautiful as they tended to be were, wedding receptions would always be an uncomfortable place in her mind. It had come to the point where, if she couldn't go along with Thomas to them, then she simply wouldn't attend at all. Thomas understood, as they did with each other concerning many things, and it made attending an expectation-filled, suffocating lovefest easy to deal with.

She supposed, if the time ever came, and it was the right person, that wanted that, then maybe... she could give marriage to him, but by no means had Rose ever been the one to dream of her perfect wedding, and silently pine for the day it would come. That opportunity had come and passed years ago, and to this day Rose felt no remorse for during down that proposal. Twenty was far too young for a life-long commitment she readily questioned.

Though, quite honestly, at the rate she was going, it didn't look like she'd have to worry about a situation like that arising again anytime soon. Opening up a wound she had thought healed over, Rose exhaled, and let her head fall to rest on Thomas' shoulder. The topic of children would at least be less dispiriting.

"It is starting to look that way," she agreed plainly, looking forward. And then her eyes got bigger, slightly, because she remembered that most of their housemates were married, and all of them with children. She then, quickly, vaguely, went through the people in the years above and below them in Ravenclaw and realized the same thing. How had that happened?

"Everyone has children except us," Rose said blankly. "Danielle, Gabriel, Erin... even Ian." Well if that didn't make you question your life, she wasn't sure what did. "How did that happen?"

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2012-12-07 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Thomas knew how. Children weirded him out more than marriage. You created a person, literally brought someone into this world and then were expected to keep them alive for---forever! You never stopped being a parent, you never stopped being a father and dedicating your entire being to making sure that this person that you created grew up! And old! And successful! Thomas could barely stand seeing his cat miserable with him when he forgot to fill up his dinner bowl, he was awkward enough when dealing with his Arrow girls when they were in moods, how could---

"Because we're smart," he said, his eyebrows going high. He smiled though. No, he did love his niece and nephew, but mostly because they were not as obnoxious as their mother, and he appreciated that maybe Catriona was the bad egg in the family and not him. She'd produced two lovely children, so there had to be something decent in their gene pool.

He shifted, thinking about his friends that had moved on to that next chapter in life. Some of them admittedly by accident, but no one seemed to be in a terrible state. Even Ian had managed to raise a happy little girl. Thomas looked down at the top of Rose's head, suddenly curious.

"Are children part of our agreement?" he said, recalling the deal he and Rose had written up their seventh year of school. As neurotic Ravenclaws, it was natural to have a plan if you didn't have your life settled by the age of thirty. People arranged marriages all over the world and lived long happy lives; two people who had been best friends since they were eleven should be able to handle something like that, right?

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2012-12-08 03:23 am UTC (link)
Rose blinked, and thought over Thomas' question whilst looking out at the trees.

The backup plan had been an understanding that, when the time came and neither of them had found someone to take that next big step of with commitment, then at least they would have each other. It had made sense, with how close she and Thomas had and continued to be, because if you weren't going to find or marry the love of your life, then it should be someone who understood and cared for you. The agreement hadn't been made in a fleeting moment of doubt, but as one of comfort, during one of the many long nights they had spent talking, and eventually falling asleep on his bed in school.

Though now that she thought about it, wouldn't having, and raising, children be of equal social status to marriage? Her own views on children and marriage were strikingly similar; Rose had never looked forward to the birth day of her first child, but she had also never adamantly opposed the idea of ever having children, either. She supposed, on that comparison alone, then that meant it should be included. Why not attempt at complete social norm?

"Possibly," Rose spoke calmly, letting her hands detach in her lap and lifting her head to look up at Thomas. She was glad that they were able to have conversations like this--- ones that, she knew if it were with any other human being, she would be a nervous a wreck of anxious energy, unable to make it through initial conversation.

She should really thank Thomas more often for always helping her feel like a normal human being.

"I don't see why not," she shrugged slightly. It seemed... logical.

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