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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-11-28 20:31:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, arista sykes, galvin gudgeon, group, howell williams, magnolia mattias, michal conway lynch, noah boot, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, rose knightley, saoirse mullet, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack


It had been a long journey, but he and Maggie had finally, finally arrived here, where they could share their relationship with world. Celebrate it! With their family and friends (the most dramatic of which Adrian had made sure would be on their best behavior tonight through some light verbal assaulting), whom Adrian was more than willing to extend his happiness to. And it was, it was such a deep joy that he couldn't--- even though they had been married for months, tonight made it feel... official, like there could no longer be any question that they were Adrian and Maggie Mattias, with their two beautiful children and their beautiful life---

Adrian cut off his own thoughts, thinking that they would only lead to a less put together version of himself. Instead, he simply let his thoughts roll to how this was an excellent way to kick off what would unquestionably be the most hectic two months of his (and Maggie's) life. But in a good way, it made him content to think that... they would need to sit down and figure out their schedules to ensure seeing each other, staying together as a close family because in the end, if that wasn't important, then what really was? Working through and with the sport they individually loved, spending the holidays together... he had no doubt he and Maggie would work it out effortlessly.

And, just in case, it was a good thing they had spectacular sex to smooth any rough patches over.

His lips pressed into something of a grin, and letting his cheekiness take over him, Adrian reached over in his seat to graze his hand slowly up Maggie's leg. Dinner had just ended, and it was getting late enough that the lights that had been set up for hours were finally starting to create nothing short of a stunning atmosphere. Their guests could enjoy it, but he had all the beauty he needed right here.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" It was a serious question completely lost in his proud smile and light-mannered tone. Adrian leaned over to lightly kiss the side of Maggie's neck.

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2012-11-30 10:17 pm UTC (link)
Considering how miserably last year had ended, Galvin Gudgeon was feeling pretty good about himself. Ending what he thought could be a long-lasting relationship with Victoria had soured many a month, along with being unable to care for his goddaughter in the way that he'd been meant to. He wasn't a total slouch, he visited Ava and sent her weekly present of toys, flowers, balloons, and the like, but it had all made him realize that he had never gotten himself out of the mindset that he should be married and with children at this point in his life. Having it thrust upon him made Vinny see that while he thought he'd been ready for that commitment with Marlie all those years ago, it seemed so long ago, he really found that he was enjoying not having the responsibilities he thought he'd so desperately wanted.

His good, optimistic mood had of course been helped by his performance on the pitch. Vinny had been a bit slow to develop a kinship with the rest of the Falcons after being the first Catapult shucked out when they cleaned house last season, let alone the bloke who was traded for Captain Kangaroo, but Vinny believed he'd more than proved himself. It was as if he'd finally been given a real chance to show the world how good he really could be, and he was glad for it.

Two fingers went up to the bartender to signal another drink, and the sound of a stool scraping on the laid out floor of the bar area made him turn his head. Vinny grinned, leaning an elbow on the table to face Arista Sykes.

"You decided to come," he said, honestly surprised that she'd accepted his, or quite possibly her own, invitation. Vinny adjusted his tie, hoping that the knot was perfectly in place and he quickly smoothed his hand down his front.

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2012-12-01 02:01 am UTC (link)
She was just as surprised as he was by her presence. Though, objectively, for an injured player's first full season back, Arista had done much better than expected, she (and her camp) still took the Prides' fall to second place incredibly hard. That was also the reason she had every intention to decline this invitation. It was one thing to carry on with any old rival player; that was practically de rigeur now. But to have a… flirtation with the rival, who was responsible for separating one from the current top spot of the league? Who did that! That was asking for trouble.

Yet here she was. Asking for trouble.

"I wasn't entirely sure that I would," she admitted, staring hard at the bar to avoid a hearty blush, as, mortifyingly, that's what this man did to her. But she'd made the mistake of mentioning the invitation to Brianna, who said she simply had to go, she owed it to every girl in the house of Hufflepuff who'd ever crushed on Galvin Gudgeon to go. Of course, pointing out that she was not a Hufflepuff, nor had she gone to Hogwarts hadn't made any difference to her friend, and somehow she'd accepted instead of declined. "But… well," Arista gestured to their surroundings and gave a small shrug.

Judging it safe to raise her eyes and study him (blushing only a little!), she bit her lip before remembering that was unladylike and jerked her gaze back to the bar top. Part of the reason she'd come, aside from attraction and coercion, was curiosity. As nice as he was, as piqued as her interest was, and as god-like as Brianna claimed him to be, Arista could not shake the suspicion that there was some game at play, though what, exactly, she didn't know. She did know such snakes could hide behind well-dressed, handsome fronts.

"Thank you for asking me."

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2012-12-02 01:12 am UTC (link)
His eyes crinkled at the sight of her blush. Galvin was certainly intrigued by Arista Sykes, and though she had met him for that strategy-centric dinner a few weeks ago, it was still surprising to see that she was somewhat intrigued by him too. She was a seeker that was notoriously prim, proper, and prideful (he amused himself with that play on words), so grabbing her attention that day in his journal had been unexpected. Maybe she was simply very competitive and liked to prove she was the best or maybe she was fine with the friendly competition, since he'd pushed his team just past hers and she had still come to the party.

His confidence had grown quite a bit since joining the Falcons, but since his most recent heartbreak and the years worth of depression he was still plowing through, Vinny was a bit concerned that she might find him...slightly incapable of managing a date-like situation. Arista knew him to be a fierce competitor on the pitch, but as someone to keep on her arm all night? To take her onto the dance floor and not cause an embarrassment? Vinny liked to believe he'd be able to manage it.

"It was my pleasure," Galvin said, straightening up. It was, and he suddenly felt like the night wasn't going to be a complete waste. The bartender came back, but Vinny paid him no mind, having been struck once again by how very pretty she was. He looked her over in a tactful manner, shaking his head in disbelief, "You look amazing, Arista. I'm worried you may have to find a more fitting bloke to stand by your side."

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2012-12-02 04:02 am UTC (link)
When she'd dared sneak a look at him, he was giving her a very honest once-over, and the blush surged harder than ever. This had never happened to Arista before! Was this how normal people reacted? She probably looked feverish. This was such a mistake. She shouldn't have come. She shouldn't even have attempted conversation with this man!

Their dinner had been a different story altogether, it had been about strategy, about the game. What Arista lacked in book smarts, she more than made up for in the theoretics of Quidditch. Yes, the invitation surprised her, especially after her playful jeer, but it was like a business dinner. She'd managed plenty of those. Then he hadn't gone away… then Galvin seemed to show interest in her, and her brain turned into a short-sparking wand, and not just because she wondered if it was sabotage.

Arista was absolutely prim and proper, with healthily sensitive sensibilities, but her one saving social grace was that she handled men. When the attention suited her, and she could be bothered, she liked to play. The desire for attention versus biting off more than she could chew had quickly taught her the best times and the best ways to smile instead of saying a word, master vague promises, make them feel like her ideas had been their ideas first. It was the reason why the Tattler had named her twice in a ménage à trois this year. She was a tease.

And every manoeuvre she'd ever learned had flown right out her well-coiffed head.

How ridiculous! A compliment had never tied her tongue before. Of course she did, and she better have, as she'd spent entirely too long picking exactly what she ought to wear. No, she needed to just—have fun. Assuming the best, Galvin hadn't asked her to be his date because she was a stuttering, blushing fool. He'd asked her because, on occasion, she was rumoured to be witty. She was a Pride, the ability to have a good (classy) time was practically a birthright.

Coming to terms with the fact that her cheeks would still be slightly pink for the duration of the evening helped her straighten her back as she raised her eyebrow speculatively. "Well, these are my best colours—next to purple and gold, of course." And once the abject humiliation of purposefully taunting a leading league player about the second-fiddle team had subsided, she actually felt herself smile a small, slow smile in spite of her flushing. "But I wouldn't be quite so hard on yourself." No, indeed, she'd almost been purring.

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2012-12-02 06:31 am UTC (link)
That was enough to fill his confidence levels to the brim. Vinny smiled and nodded his head in thanks, putting his hand out to Arista as the band picked up with an upbeat song. There would be no more second-guessing himself tonight, because if he were to continue doing that he would waste the opportunity to really try and woo this interesting and beautiful girl. Galvin wouldn't say that getting into a relationship was something he'd been looking for, and he knew it was far too early to think of this as anything more than a date, but the thrill that came with the beginnings something new had been sorely missed. He did't know how things were going to go with Arista, he'd taken a chance when he felt like there was something to go for, but he had a good feeling. He hadn't had one of those in a while.

"I will try my very best not to step on your dress," Vinny said with a laugh, leading her out onto the dance floor. It really was a remarkable ceremony; being outside like this with spells that kept the temperature so comfortable in the onset of winter was brilliant. The Mattias' really had created a serene atmosphere and it was easy to fall into step with Arista.

His hand went to her waist, holding the other up by his shoulder. Galvin looked thoughtful for a few moments, listening to the song and watching her carefully. "Tell me something about yourself. Other than how good you look in purple and gold."

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2012-12-02 09:38 pm UTC (link)
Dancing was something she avoided doing on dates, as it invited a level of intimacy Arista normally didn't care for. She hadn't even had a second thought about taking his hand, though, until hooking her hand on his shoulder. It was admittedly nice to be focusing on something besides maintaining her composure, but he was a very good-looking man, and her body was within inches of his, which was a distraction all its own. She was immensely grateful when Galvin started speaking again.

Though his request had her brow furrowing in surprise. Usually, it was the man wanting her to know everything about him. She surprised herself more by wanting to tell him this something, and wanting it to be good. She tried not to wonder if that was because she was attracted to him, wanted to impress the competition, or honestly wanted him to find her fascinating, because the more muddled her feelings got, the worse of an idea this became. She let slip the first thing that came to her.

"I broke my first broom when I was eight." Arista glanced at his face, then quickly back to some point over his shoulder, though even with her heels, her level of sight just barely saw over it. "I wanted to try something I was expressly forbidden from doing by my mother, and in doing so, crashed into a rock quarry. It was a wreck, and I knew she'd kill me, so… I," she winced slightly, "blamed it on the insufferable boy next door." She still almost felt bad, but if he hadn't been such a prick to her to begin with, everyone would have had a much harder time believing her story.

Despite her tepid remorse, her lips twitched. "I don't believe I ever did end up telling him the truth."

Arista tilted her head as she looked up at him in a playful challenge. "Tell me a secret."

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2012-12-03 01:52 am UTC (link)
Did he have any secrets? The past few years of his life had been so exposed to the public, to the world, that Vinny found it hard to dredge up something that could be interesting. He was the bright-eyed seeker that had fled the country when his fiancee had been murdered by an insane death eater. He came back only to break up with a former teammate after being forced to adopt a little girl. Galvin had been through a lot since he'd left Hogwarts and some portion of him found that his life before Marlene McKinnon wasn't really worth remembering.

But it was, it was just hard to think about without being reminded that he'd never get back to what once was. He'd been a different person, a happy person, someone who liked to get in trouble with his best mates. He had top marks, he was someone to look up to for more reasons than catching a snitch. Vinny looked up thoughtfully, keeping Arista's hand tightly in his as he tried to think of something impressive enough for pride of Portree.

"My best mate and I stole a bust of Salazar Slytherin from the Slytherin common room," he said wistfully, a smile spreading across his face. He managed to quickly recall that Arista had been home schooled, and he looked down at her to explain. "You're not allowed in other Houses' dorms, so Derek and I convinced a tweaky prefect that the bust needed a polishing and to leave it in the trophy room. We snatched it and had the whole House of Slytherin in a frenzy----a thousand year old bust of their namesake, gone."

Vinny shook his head, chuckling to himself. How he'd become Head Boy with Derek Dobb's lack of conscience sitting on his shoulders, he'd never understand.

"They tortured the Gryffindors for weeks about it..." Galvin grinned wickedly, "It's sitting on our mantle with a fez hat we picked up on our Grand Tour."

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2012-12-03 04:05 am UTC (link)
"Quite the troublemaker, I see," she commented, biting back a laugh. He had a nice smile and a ready laugh, so Arista didn't have much difficulty picturing him as the apparently-boisterous teenager he was. She'd even been to Hogwarts a handful of times, usually for Quidditch matches, but she'd seen quite a bit of the grounds and castle. Her mother too had a (much less prestigious, very insignificant in comparison) bust somewhere in the castle, and it had been Arista's deepest shame at the time. She rather hoped a fate similar to the one Galvin had spun for her befell it someday.

Thinking back to her visits, she tried to remember if she'd seen Galvin play. She'd loved visiting the school, however disdainful she'd tried to appear at the time. Having her letter ripped up was one of the saddest experiences in her childhood, though there had never truly been a question about her going away to school. As far as magical prowess went, Arista was oftentimes just shy of incompetence with the more involved, complicated spell-casting, but it was really the socialising she had missed out on. Her general social incompetence even now aside, she'd been far worse in her teens. It was hard making genuine friends in the league, as well. Mostly, the players tended to be like her, and therefore completely artificial, or they were, had been, or might eventually be competition. At the end of the day, Brianna was really her only separate friend, and their friendship had only arisen because of her accident.

She blinked rather rapidly, as if that would clear the sudden, troubling train of thought from her head. Instead she leaned her upper body away from him and tried as hard as she could to achieve the impression that her nose was pointed far in the air.

"You should watch yourself, sir," said Arista severely, giving him an arch look of disapproval. "I have been told by many that I would have made a fine Slytherin, had I gone to Hogwarts."

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2012-12-06 01:14 am UTC (link)
"Have you now?" he said, quite amused that Arista seemed so proud to have potentially been Sorted into the house of Salazar. As big of a change in atmosphere as becoming a professional quidditch player was, knowing that nearly the entire league had once graced the hallowed halls of Hogwarts helped the teams assimilate. Sometimes old friends and school teammates were brought together, creating a great dynamic. Sometimes vicious rivals had to deal with each other in the locker room or chose to settle old feuds on the pitch.

It was strange that Arista didn't have those ties, but it made Vinny wonder about what had molded her into this captivating woman. Her history made her alluring and her perfectly manicured image would make any bloke wonder why and how she had arranged such a life. It would also make any bloke want to break past these guards and barriers, and while Galvin's recently history had not been of the slow and steady pace, he felt as if that would be the most rewarding route on this new venture he was quite willing to take.

"I've handled my fair share of Slytherins," he said, unconsciously pulling her, just in the slightest, closer. If he put much thought into it, the Slytherin girls of his past had been the most engaging. Having Arista put herself within that pool of women only upped his motivation to enchant her tonight. "They never stand a chance against a good ol' Hufflepuff boy."

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2012-12-07 12:52 am UTC (link)
With the lights and the setting sky, not to mention the fact that it was a reception, the night was poised to be full of skipping heartbeats and pink cheeks and feverish thoughts. But Arista hadn't anticipated that those too would describe her. She tried to tell herself it was the atmosphere, but that explanation hadn't made her feel much better, as she'd been to other weddings and the effect had been minimal. The problem was that he wasn't responding to her the way he should have been, which was caused or further complicated by the fact that she wasn't reacting to him the way she ought to be. And this was a complication she couldn't afford on the brink of the crucial finish to the most important season in her fledgling career.

As Arista took yet another fruitless measure of this man, she had the uncomfortable, fluttering sensation that Galvin's words were truer than they should be.The thought had her swallowing, because his confidence was of the easy sort, predicated on past success and not worn defensively, which inspired a dangerous urge to simply take him at his word.

"Well," she finally replied as she dropped her gaze, concentrating on tracking the movement of her finger from his shoulder as she dragged it down along his lapel. She was sure that they had begun this dance much further apart than they were now standing, which she deemed to be nearly indecent. Not that she stepped back. "I suppose we'll just have to see about that."

It was a bit disquieting to Arista that, as much as she wanted to prove Galvin wrong, a part of her hoped he might be right.

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