Who: Broadmoors
Where: Kendall's Flat
What: idek. Words
When: Nowish?
“Kayla?” Kendall said genuinely surprised to see his sister sitting on his counter when he walked into his flat. He was exhausted, just getting home from yet another long practice, this was the very last thing he wanted to deal with. Especially when he was still pushing himself to get back to the standard he was at before he got knocked off his broom. “Oh right, Falcons are leading. Should expect to find a Broadmoor in my home when that happens by now.”
“I’m hurt that you think I’m here because Pop sent me.” Kayla said rolling her eyes.
“Am I wrong?” he shot back tossing his bag onto the couch. “When was the last time you showed up here without his prompting?"
“Painted yourself such the black sheep, haven’t you.” she sighed examining her nails already bored with the conversation. “Always one for the dramatics, some days I’m surprised you weren’t a Gryffindor. We don't hate you as much as you like to think we do. Well maybe Kevin does, but then again he's a prick. Anyways, door goes both ways, maybe if you made an effort yourself, you wouldn't feel so alienated Badger Boy.”
“What do you want Kayla? It’s a long way to come just to be a pest.” Kendall bit out with half his usual venom. Out of all his family members, he would always choose to deal with his little sister before the rest, but that didn’t change the fact she was his little sister and knew exactly how to grate on his nerves. He certainly wasn't going to stand there and let her lecture him in his own home.
“I was hoping to crash here for a few days. Week tops.”
His eyes narrowed suspiciously at his sister. Out of all of the things he expected this wasn’t even on the list. She hardly ever visited and now here she was aiming for an extended stay. “Is there something wrong with your flat?”
“Apparently it is frown upon when you stop paying rent.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“Kayla.” Kendall dragged his hand over his face. He did not have time for this, nor the patience. Not with everything else that was going on in his life right now. He was too stressed to have his sister in his flat. This was not a way for him to relax and hopefully get his game back before play offs. “Go home then. Its far closer to where you live. Or better yet, go pay your rent.”
“I can’t. I am sort of unemployed at the moment.” she murmured looking down to the ground for the first time. “Please do not make me go home and tell pop I got fired Kendall, I will never hear the end of it. Just until I find a new one, I promise.”
His heart lurched a bit, knowing exactly how it felt to never live down a disappointment in their father’s eyes. There was no way he could turn her away, not with her sitting there looking like that. “Fine. Just until you find a new job, no longer.”
“Awesome, I’ve already put my things away. Thanks Kenny boy.” she said perking up and skipping off into what use to be Rose’s room, leaving Kendall behind feeling very much like he just got conned.
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