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e t h a n ([info]duelbreaker) wrote in [info]valesco,
Ethan's mouth had clamped shut and he decided that the only sounds that he was going to make were the spells that would get him the hell out of there. Well---them, them. He was stubborn enough to be annoyed at being snapped at, but he had enough sense to know that he was being a brat too. His stubbornness outweighed his sense slightly, however, and he remained quietly fuming in the corner beside Nicodemo. It was why he'd begun paying attention to his fellow curse-breaker's whispers immediately, and Ethan's eyes narrowed as he tried to concentrate on what Nico was saying.

There was a strange noise. It almost sounded like sand was pouring out an hourglass, but there hadn't been a crash. Before the group had gone to sleep they'd examined every last inch of the tomb for a sign of an escape and with Samantha still looking around, there was no way there was a hidden door they had missed...or was there? If there was sand moving, it had to be moving somewhere, and with Ethan and Nico on the far end of the door they'd entered the tomb from, there was no way it could be from that way.

His mind worked best when it was deducting the clues needed to result in a victory. Ethan's dueling skills and training had been very focused on learning the weaknesses of his opponents and he was trying to maintain that focus on his new job here, as a curse-breaker. Of course, he'd let his excitement overlook the fact that the supposed only entrance and exit to the room had been left unguarded, but hey.

It was his first expedition!

"He's right," Ethan said, pushing himself back against the wall to stand up. His wand was back in his hand in an instant and he bent toward the wall. Pressing his ear up against the ancient stones, he nodded down at Nico, confirming that he certainly wasn't making things up. "It sounds like---someone moving in sand."

As soon as he'd said the word a loud rattle reverberated into his ear and Ethan jumped back. That certainly did not sound like sand, but did certainly sound like the rattlesnakes they'd been banishing from the campsite. Nico had made a game of it, seeing how far and how accurate they could fling the little bastards.

"Or a snake," he said, managing not to squeak though his eyes were ready to pop out of his head. The loudness of the rattle caused Ethan to imagine the size of the snake it was attached to. "It sounds like a snake moving in sand."

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