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t h o m a s ➽ mccormack ([info]thomases) wrote in [info]valesco,
He let Octavius brush by him, stopping in the middle of the aisle as his eyes caught sight of Rose. She looked murderous, and it didn't take a former Ravenclaw to put together what had transpired. Or, at least, figure out that there had been a fight of sorts between the two exes that had not gone so well. He and Kendall had parted to find their respective dates and now Thomas felt extremely guilty for losing Rose in the crowd. If he had been here when Octavius did or said whatever it was to make Rose look about ready to kill, Thomas was sure he would have been tossed off the train.

'He' being himself or Octavius, he wasn't sure.

"Whoa," Thomas said, catching Rose by the shoulders as she tried to swiftly move past him. There was no way he was going to let her go after her ex, not with that sort of look in her eye. Thomas braced himself for some shrill screaming and a bit of smacking around, but it was something he'd grown used to over the years of being Rose's friend and confidant. "You can't go after him."

She couldn't. It wasn't healthy. Thomas knew very well how obsessing over someone who'd broken your heart could mess a person up, how trying to fix something irreparable tore at you in a million different ways, and he refused to let Rose go through the same thing. It would take time to accept and move on, but the least he could do was push her in the right direction.

"Let him go," Thomas said, his words heavy. He tried to catch her gaze, keeping his hold strong.

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