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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
His simple stares only fueling her more, and Rose quickly jumped toward him as he fell back. No, no, he wasn't going to slither away from this, he didn't just get to say things like that and depart as if it had been strictly talk of the weather. Her face twisted aggressively--- how could he just look at her like that?! It made her want to scream, it made her want to hit him more, knock out this absurd being that was obviously possessing Octavius Pepper until the one she knew returned. But was that--- did he not exist anymore?

"But it bothered me!" her voice cracked as she spoke, now jabbing her hand into her own chest. "It bothered me, why don't you understand that?! Regardless of what it was, anything at all, you don't keep going on about it because it bothered me." Rose threw her hands down, pressing herself close to him as her words were tempered and hushed. There was still a vague awareness in the back of her mind that they were in public. And she understood, now, what he was saying, but that didn't change the aftermath effect of it all. He made her feel humiliated, like a fool that couldn't function properly, or one that needed extra attention from other men--- and he wouldn't even let it go for her.

Her blood was at a practical boil as he continued. Her eyes widened, but in a manner reminiscent of a predator spotting it's prey. What was wrong with him? How could he--- possibly blame her for attempting to rebuild--- "I belong to you but I'm that one that's controlling?" Rose let out incredulously, so angry she couldn't even manage to find humor. "Which one is it, Octavius?! I can't be below you and force you to do only what I want the whole time!" She shook her head furiously, and without thinking roughly shoved her hands on his chest to push him back.

And, to add insult to injury, he kept going, making her feel practically delusional. Rose's next words came out quickly, as she didn't even think about them.

"Because you don't love me!" Rose snapped hotly, and immediately began to feel feverish tears sting her eyes. She had be feeling--- thinking, even before this fight had blown up into what it was, that her feelings toward him had become--- more than his for her, but it hadn't--- it had been too painful to focus on, so she had buried it down deep-- "This isn't love because you don't love me," she repeated, her voice finally seeming to quell.

She felt her body begin to shake, and her previous misery begin to creep back into her bones. Covering her face with her hands, Rose shook her head and continued, because she must. "I told you, in your office, I do feel--- didn't you believe me?" Whether or not he would understand that she meant taking responsibilities for her actions, she didn't know, but the spark within her had vanished, so she couldn't go on further now.

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