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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Rose pulled her lips back to suppress her obvious distaste of his words. Regardless of how they were intended, they still had a nasty bite.

"I'm not--" Rose started, but cut herself off. She knew she could be stubborn at times, and it occurred more than she wished, but now was not going to be another example of it. Relationships were not always easy, and sometimes she forgot that, that sometimes you had to make sacrifices, and sometimes it was work, which above all meant you didn’t--- do what she did. Most of the time it appeared she was her own worst enemy, which definitely did not help, but at the very least she could say she was blessed with not enough pride to be good at realizing her own mistakes and apologizing for them. Really, she kind of had to be with the amount of poor life choices she seemed to make.

In the end, the point was, even if there were lingering bothersome issues, addressed or unaddressed, she was prepared to let them go, and try to make it work. She at least had to try, didn’t she? Because that was what you did, and if that wasn’t what he wanted then... then that was it.

So, Rose took a deep breath, swallowed down whatever bruised or nervous budding emotions, and momentarily watched Octavius before speaking up.

"Octavius I was wrong, and I shouldn't have put you in the position that I put you in. I shouldn't have said I didn’t think we shouldn't talk anymore, because I don't think that, I don't want that. I made a mistake, I make a lot of mistakes, and I can’t even begin to tell you what I was thinking when I said that because I didn’t--- I don’t want to break up. It’s not--- I handled my emotions poorly, and I would go back if I could, or move forward and away from these stupid things that get between us. It’s not-- and I just couldn't---" Rose pulled her lips back again, losing her momentum. If she hadn’t been so focused, she would have been quite pleased with her lack of tears and normal sounding voice.

"I understand that you're upset, but I care about you too much to let you think I would just give up like that. On us. I guess I just--- got really emotional, and clammed up, I wasn’t thinking....” Her hands began to move slightly, as if indicating something might be trapped in her chest. “I’m sorry, for everything. I understand if your feelings have changed, or if that’s not what you want anymore...” Too rooted in her spot, Rose kept a safe distance on the other side of the desk. "I don't blame you," she finished finally, feeling there was more she could say, but felt it had been too much already.

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