He was a lot heavier than Delilah. Nora was out of breath by the time she'd heaved Octavius out from under the table, and stood over him with her hands on her hips. He looked so miserable and pitiful. She felt terrible for him but didn't want him to know. During a breakup, sometimes the worst part was telling your friends and dealing with people who knew exactly what was going on. Nora could play nice, especially with Octavius.
She bent down again, smiling tightly at him and putting her hand to his shoulder.
"You're one of my best mates," Nora said, shaking her head, leaving it at that. She pushed forward and kissed the top of his head, her hand going to the back of his neck in a comforting manner. There was no way she could have left him under there, or judged him, or even teased. She'd been in far worse messes and Octavius still deemed her acceptable to talk to. Nora sighed, wondering if she'd be able to get him on his feet now. "Let's get you standing, okay?"
It took a few tries, but finally they were both on their feet. Leaning heavily on the opposite wall, Nora summoned her purse from across the room and held on tightly to Octavius' arm.
"Try not to get sick," she said, a moment before she disapparated the both of them out of the club. A second later they were in her flat, startling her jarvery Kenneth who had been asleep on the couch.
"BLOODY HELL, YOU IDIOTS!" the jarvey shouted, popping his head up over the arm of the couch. Nora shushed him while she made sure all of Octavius' parts had come along for the ride.
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