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L Μ W ([info]hark) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-09-05 20:53:00

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Entry tags:ethan jordan, larkin whitby

Larkin smacked her lips, twirling her clipboard on its corner to pass the time. Her goblin employers, in all their benevolence and charity, had put her up to desk duties for the week, which meant doing activities like inventory, paperwork, and dealing with incoming potential personnel of the wizarding kind. It was all fancy goblin talk for counting things and going through curse-breaker applications, both of which that did not particularly interest her, but that was how it went in the small downtime when you weren't on location.

Plus, she really wanted to get put on that potential Egypt job, so protesting assignments was a fast way to get off that list. Larkin wasn't daft; she would be the best little counter/interviewer Gringotts had seen. Or would it be better to be the worst so that they sent her away at the next chance? No, that would be counter productive.

Letting out a long sigh, Larkin gazed down to check the watch. Finally! Appointment time. She popped back to life, slipping her heels on, flipping her hair a bit, and adjusting her clothes before making way down to the waiting area in the front. She looked down at the application in her hands as she walked, skimming it over for nothing in particular, but just for good measure. Usually, how these things worked was they first did a sit-down interview, followed by an informational spiel section on her part, and finally a practical "test" so to speak, but she'd been practically bored numb on the counter for so long that doing it in that order seemed dreadful. Why did the most exciting things always have to come last? Perhaps she would ask him what he wanted to do first. That would be a good indication of character, or at least she thought so.

"Ethan Jordan?" Larkin called out, looking up upon reaching her destination. She smiled pleasantly. There weren't that many people here, but it wasn't her position to assume what this Ethan Jordan looked like.

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2012-09-06 01:19 am UTC (link)
While he waited to be called, Ethan quickly, but silently, began wording all the spells he knew, in alphabetical order, of course. His eyes focused on a crack in one of the bricks on the wall across the room, and he had reached the T spells when his name was called. This irked something inside of him, but he was able to contain the urge to finish his list and stand. He nodded toward the witch that had called him, lifting his left hand in acknowledgement.

Was he nervous? Yes. That was a natural reaction, but he didn't feel inhibited by it. His brother had been more than a bit concerned about the idea of Ethan becoming a curse breaker, if he got the job, but doubt and pressure were things that the young man thrived on. He'd worked hard this past year to overcome his injury and he finally believed that his skill level would leave him qualified enough for the job. And if the employees at Gringotts didn't? Well---forget them! Who needed to work here, anyway? Ethan was sure there were hundreds of places that a skilled charm worker could be useful, he didn't need this job, especially if they believed they didn't need him---

--he needed to change his attitude.

"I'm Ethan," he said, hesitating a split second before lifting his arm to shake the witch's. He hoped it didn't feel awkward, but he kept his shoulders straight and a somewhat friendly smile on his face to help his cause.

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2012-09-06 03:46 am UTC (link)
Ooh, he wasn't bad looking. If she was an unprofessional interviewer, she would award him extra points for being pleasing to the eyes. But, unfortunately, she was not, and there was really no way to help someone's application along simply because they looked good. Oh well. Maybe Ethan Jordan's attractiveness was his weakest quality, and then there would be no problem at all.

"Great!" Larkin shook his hand, and let go to beckon him to follow her. She let him catch up in pace before turning to speak further over her shoulder. "I"m Larkin Whitby, I'll be your assessor. You can call me Larkin, because Ms. Whitby sounds old and frigid." It was true, there was a reason why her mother never took to her father's name. Aside from the whole eventual divorce after her brother's birth, that was.

She abruptly stopped upon reaching their destination, and bent down to pick her wand from within her boot. "I've been working as a curse-breaker since finishing Hogwarts, and I focus on locations around the Mediterranean, for the most part." As Larkin spoke she waved her wand at the patch of wall in front of them until an entryway was produced. "But you can get sent anywhere, and there are curse-breakers here with a range of age and experience."

Down the short hallway revealed doors that lead to different rooms with different purposes. Some of them were used for training, others for storing recently recovered treasure, others for interviews like these... the extent of Gringotts bank really had no limit, when you considered the fact that they had this, all of wizard kind's vaults, and enough extra room to fit in a couple of dragons here or there.

If only they were friendlier, that would be a sweet treat.

"Right," Larkin clapped, happy to have already charmed the clipboard to hover at her side. It had already gotten annoying and heavy to hold. "There are really just two parts to this interview, a practical and an informational... do you have a preference which to do first?" she asked, smiling hopefully as she casually jiggled her wand in the air. Hex her if she was more interested in seeing what he could actually do than talking about it.

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2012-09-17 06:33 pm UTC (link)
They were going to make him do a practical exam today? Ethan forced himself to hide his frown; of course he was ready for it, but he had expected there to be different stages of the interiew process. Well. He supposed that in this line of work you had to expect the unexpected. What was there to worry about, anyway? He was a pro-dueler, his life was thinking on his toes and anticipating everything that could be thrown at him.

Well---he used to be a pro-dueler. This curse breaking business could prove just as difficult, even more so. There were no rules when you went down into the tombs, or the vaults, or the pyramids. Maybe this hadn't been a good idea, but before his Ravenclaw logic could take over, Ethan responded.

"Practical," he said smoothly, running a hand down the front of his robe. He didn't look perturbed, but his mind was whirling with ideas of what they could possibly throw at him. He'd read that there were dragons down in the vaults, protecting the most valuable of treasures. He managed to come to the conclusion that they would not do anything on his first day (not even, just the interview!) that could cost him his life...they wouldn't get many recruits that way if there was a mortality rate placed on the interviewing process.


Right. "Practical, for sure."

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