Therese shut her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she tried to maintain her composure. She could smell his cologne; it made her mind rush back to their summer days in Paris. Her back pressed against the wall and she grimaced.
She had been on her way to the powder room while their dessert made its way to their table, hers and Michal’s. Dessert didn’t feel like the right word, however, because they had not ordered an appetizer or drinks or a main course---it was simply the dessert cart that was being filled with treats and pushed over to their corner table to pick and choose as they wish. It was most certainly a date that they would not call a date, and Therese had been excited before she was cornered in the narrow hallway that led to the loo.
“I don’t understand why you keep doing this,” she said, finally opening her eyes. Remy stood inches away, close enough so that if she tried to get by she would be forced to brush up against him and she knew that was the point. He always did this to her; it used to be thrilling when they were dating, standing just enough away to still feel the other’s body heat. The memories made her uneasy and she turned her head away.
“I am looking out for you, Therese,” he said. “You keep finding yourself dealing with the wrong type of man, I do not believe it is healthy.”
Her eyes shot back to him, “You lied to me for years, used me as a pawn in your auror-games, how could you compare yourself to anything?” In her anger she put her hands up and thrust them at his chest to push him away. He ruined her life, he was not allowed to pass such judgements! Remy let out a laugh and quickly grabbed her wrists, pulling her hands down between them.
“Stop being foolish,” he snarled with a grin.
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