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t h o m a s ➽ mccormack ([info]thomases) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-07-29 11:21:00

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All Star Gala! For Saturday!
In all honesty, he would rather be on his broomstick, making up practice and his regiments than dressed up at a party. Thomas knew that the All Star match didn't really count, but when you were flying among the best of the best, a player wanted to be the best of the best. He wasn't as rusty as he thought he'd be, but just the lack of flying made his muscles more sore after practice than he was used to. He was barely holding himself up, and if it weren't for the beautiful woman on his arm he'd probably be slumped in a chair, ready to pass out from exhaustion.

Samantha was back and he could fly. Both of his best friends had made the all-star team, and they were going to be playing together for the first time in their careers. Thomas really couldn't think of anything that could make him happier, though showing up Brookstanton on the pitch might be the cherry on top. They were teammates, and however much Thomas found the other beater loathsome, he would work with him for the win. It would at least be an interesting match, if anything.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked Samantha, smiling. He'd missed her terribly and was glad that her stint out of the country was over. Just in time.

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