Who: Ludo & Greta
What: All kinds of fun!
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Ludo's Bachelor Pad
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Uhhh...let's go with PG for now? But let's be for real here. It's Lureta. Or Grudo. IDK. It's them.
Ludo was feeling quite pleased with himself. Despite what seemed like an almost unreal schedule, he'd managed a small amount of time with Greta that afternoon, though the majority of that time was spent in the bedroom. If anything could be said of Ludo Bagman, it was that he was a very thorough individual. He smirked to himself as he lay on the bed, a lazy arm wrapped around Greta. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple before rolling himself up, deciding he needed to use the loo at that moment.
"Don't miss me while I'm gone, yeah?" he told her over his shoulder with a smirk before exiting the room, leaving Greta to her own devices for a bit of time.
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