It was getting down to the wire -- a little less than a month to go now, and no room at all for cold feet. He was sure that his mother was expecting him to get up and run every minute of the day, with how frequently she stopped by for 'emergency visits'. She always found a reason to show up, whether it was a last-minute flower arrangement change she wanted to discuss with Bianca or another concern over Bertram's tuxedo not being of precisely the right cut. It was starting to take its toll on him, not being trusted by her, but at least Bianca was being reasonable ... outwardly, at least. He had the sneaking suspicion that his mother might've been stressing her out or something like that, but he didn't want to bring it up and have it turn into an unnecessary fight.
He tore the invitation in his hand in half and dropped it into the bin, checking off the names on the 'master list'. It was tedious work, moving through all these RSVPs, but he'd been roped into doing it by hand to make sure that the list was as accurate as possible. He glanced at the small mountain of RSVPs that were to his right and sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair.
"Bianca, can you put on a kettle or something? I think I'm going to need an energy potion just to make a dent in this pile."
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