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Berkeley Damian Darcy ([info]berkelisms) wrote in [info]valesco,
Berkeley frowned at the tone his sister was using, obviously he wasn't going to get out of this one easily. He crossed his arms over his chest when she asked him to promise to stick this out. Just what did she want him to stick out? This wasn't a crappy job you did while you waited for a better one to come along, or a shitty flat you lived in until you could afford a nice one. There was no sticking this out. This was his life. Everything was changing in this very moment and here his sister was asking him to make promises he wasn't sure he could keep.

Which really wasn't fair, he would do anything for his sister. Hell, if he was completely honest he first started dating Dexter because Sarah suggested it. Kept going on about what a great idea it was, Berk half did just so he could stop hearing the same conversation over and over again. And he liked Dexter, really he did, but spending the rest of his life with her wasn't something that he had really considered before. He really hadn't considered settling with anyone for that long.

"I'm going home, Sarah" he said finally after mulling over all the possible choices. Yes, she was going to throw a fit, no she wasn't going to change his mind. At the very least she deserved the truth. All of a sudden there was so much pressure surrounding him and he just needed to get away to think. Where there wouldn't be any judgement and he could feel a little bit less guilty about being selfish. Where Sarah couldn't convince him what she wanted was what he wanted. He wouldn't shirk any financial responsibility. It would be wrong to leave Dexter high and dry like that, but he really needed to decide just how involved he wanted to be.

"Just for a week, maybe two. Mom's been begging me to come for a visit for ages." He said moving over to the couch picking up his duffle that no longer needed to be hidden. "I'll be back. I'm not running away, but even if I were---" Berk shrugged his shoulders as he left his sentence unfinished. Sarah, if anyone, should understand and if she didn't, well she certainly shouldn't be casting any judgement.

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