"I don't think it can, Berkeley," Sarah said with a shake of her head. Her lips twisted in concern and she put her hands on her hips. She probably looked ridiculous, trying to be intimidating in her flowery shirt that billowed out around her to contain her stomach, but Sarah needed to be taken seriously in the moment. As much as she'd gained from skipping town and heading across the Atlantic Ocean, just the fear that her brother had inherited the same fleeing instincts made her lose sleep.
It was--it was one thing to leave a bad place, to escape, but running away---Sarah knew her brother could really just be going to work, that he wasn't panicking and leaving the country or something extreme like she was prone to, but the nagging feeling that something big was about to happen (other than this surprise pregnancy of Dexter's) could not be ignored. She'd always been really good at divination, maybe she really did have a sixth sense or something she didn't know and---and----
"I need you to promise me you're sticking this out," she said, trying to pick her words carefully. Sarah wasn't one to be subtle, or to think before she spoke, but Berkeley was and she needed to be on his level to understand him, to work with him and get into his head. "That---"
She pursed her lips together. She didn't want to make assumptions, or make Berk think that she thought badly of him. Sarah just needed the truth from her brother, if only to make her shoulders feel a little lighter. Ugh, that sounded so selfish but it was true.
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