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Jonas Ackerly : Musician ([info]mynameisjonas) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-02-14 13:04:00

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Entry tags:galvin gudgeon, glenda prewett, group, jonas ackerly, kobe ackerly


Pink, red, and more pink with a touch of barking mad. Jonas had no other way to describe the colors that had been chosen for the WIZROQ Meet Ball to go along with the "Accio! (Summon Your Love)" theme. The club dance floor was modestly crowded with mingling wizards and witches, all of whom were wearing glittery name badges and most of whom were toting around some of the sparkling pink punch and one (or three) of the various treats that Honeydukes had delivered.

The mixer had started with the attendees being split into groups to introduce each other and rotating every six minutes depending on the color their name badge turned when the emcee cast a randomizing spell. Now, though, Toots was getting ready to introduce the first musical act of the evening and Jonas was waiting in the wing as the backing band took the stage.

As per usual, Jonas had the jitters. He was already stressing over performing at the ball instead of being at Gabriel's side at St. Mungo's and this coupled with the fact that he had to open for Celestina made him a bit of a mess. Thankfully, Kobe was with him and just the sight of her glowing face was doing wonders for his mood, let alone her bubbly voice and reassuring words. He loved his wife for many reasons, but her calming nature was a Godsend.

Jonas gave a sheepish grin when Kobe gently nudged him as Toots began to introduce him.

"Is my tie all right?" he asked quietly as he turned to her.

The smile broadened on his lips as her expression knitted with concentration while she fixed his suit collar and tie. Though keeping things from Kobe was next to impossible, Jonas had managed to not divulge that his plans for the evening included pulling her onto the dance floor when Celestina sang the first dance from their wedding. Today also happened to be their second anniversary and it had started out with French toast, strawberries, and a bedside serenade. Regardless of the turmoil happening in their friends' lives, Jonas was determined to make the day special for her.

A smattering of cheers accompanied Jonas onto the stage as he took the microphone.

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2012-02-14 10:44 pm UTC (link)
Although it was slightly annoying, Glenda had to admit she was secretly relieved about the network's mandatory attendance policy for events it hosted. Albeit less than desirable to be at, she would confess, being famously single at a single's ball, but it at least gave some form of a distraction on such a miserable day's night.

Miserable, yes she had just called Valentine's Day that. And to think, it had used to be her favorite holiday! Not anymore. Now it just consisted of putting all her attention into card making and candy giving to Tristan, who was still too young to really understand what was going on except knowing he needed to give his mother something, whether it be a rock from the backyard or a flower in the garden.

A small, pressed smile appeared on her lips as she thought back to this morning when Tristan had torn apart a flower to hand over each petal to her as gifts. He was going up so fast.... lost in her own thoughts, Glenda didn't immediately notice the person that had approached her. Blinking quickly, she shook herself slightly and produced her well-known warm smile as a greeting.

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2012-02-16 12:38 am UTC (link)
It wasn't particularly fun to be single on Valentine's day, though he couldn't blame it on himself. Vinny knew that the end of his very public relationship with Victoria had painted him in quite the bad shade, so maybe putting himself out there and looking as if he was trying to get back to a place he used to be would help. Or not--he could definitely be seen as being 'back on the market' and poor Victoria and---he would never win. Though, he had sent Ava a valentine's gift, hopefully it would be received and appreciated.

Instead of actually trying to mingle, which was thoroughly embarrassing to say the least, Vinny made a beeline to the most familiar face in the room. He was more surprised to see Gleny here than he had been at himself for accepting the invitation, and assumed, as he knew her quite well, that she would like some company that would not make the situation more awkward than it already was.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Gleny," Vinny said with a broad smile, taking a seat beside her. She looked very nice, and it was strange to think that it was strange that she was here. She had always been the life of the party.

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