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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
The only math Charlie understood was the breakdown of points when it came to a quidditch season. It was easy for him to see how many his team had to score, when the seeker needed to strike, and how many goals he needed to stop the other team from getting. It was---the Wasps weren't in their league, no, but keeping their chasers at bay meant that the beaters would be more focused on sending the bludgers toward the Kestrel chasers, so that they couldn't steal the quaffle. If the Wasp beaters were busy with the chasers, it gave Kendall more of an advantage because he wasn't dodging out of harm's way every five seconds. Plus, the Wasps needed more than a snitch win if they wanted to pull in front of the Harpies, so goal scoring was going to be a priority and---


Charlie stopped his pace in the middle of the living room, not having realized that he'd taken to biting his thumb as he thought and walked. And paced. And worried. It had been a remarkable season, the best of his career so far, but none of it mattered if you didn't take home the gold, did it? Second place was not acceptable, especially not to a captain like Axe, especially not when Charlie had put so much work into his regiment this season and not----She was giving him a look.

Penny's words floated through his mind and became clear after a few seconds, and his confused expression turned into a disapproving smirk. While it had been very hard (ignore the pun!) to keep himself off of Penny in that way, Charlie had been quite insistent that this time they...do it right. Not that he ever thought what they had before was wrong, but it obviously did not work out and upset too many people, so if they could naturally get to---

---oh, hell, he was just dying to shag her but he was forcing himself to be good and wait. Until what? He wasn't sure; his therapist told him that he would know, and he trusted himself. Sort of. Charlie let out a breath and stepped around the coffee table to drop down onto the couch beside her, wasting no time in leaning heavily into Penny's side.

"Didn't I tell you about the sex-ban Axe placed on us?" Charlie teased, lifting his chin. He wasn't sure how serious his captain had been about it, as it had been one of many insane threats verbally hurled at the team during practice this week. Still, it might actually be in his best interest to take everything Axe said to heart...

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