He hadn’t even been back for a week and he was already wishing that he was anywhere but there, in the stuffy, cramped apothecary. Why the hell Alecto thought her brother was right for the job of ‘customer service’, he’d never know – actually, now that he thought about it, she had bitched about his attitude losing her business more times than he could keep track of. He had never been a ‘people person’, but it had more to do with him not liking most people than him not giving it a shot. Still, he managed to keep his temper from flaring up around customers who treated him like he was some idiotic underling who didn’t know what he was talking about, and had even managed to keep his snide comments to himself.
He was just glad Alecto didn’t catch him flipping some crotchety witch the bird as he rammed his shoulder into the back door, leading him into the alley behind the shop, a cigarette already dangling between his lips. His back pressed against the side of the building, his fingers buttoning the wool pea coat that he had bought while they were in France.
They were in France a month ago. If it were up to him, they wouldn’t have ever left.
Finding the zippo that was in his pocket, Amycus flicked it a few times before it sparked, creating enough of a flame to light the end of the cancer stick that was hanging from his mouth. Taking in a deep inhale of the toxic smoke, he closed his eyes as he felt the familiar burn in his lungs. He leaned his head back, his free hand rubbing at his brow before he finally exhaled, opening his eyes to stare at the grey, cracked stone that was on the opposite side of the alley.
He got lost in his thoughts, the only thing bringing him out of his own head and back to reality (which was a much safer place for him to be) was the sound of approaching footsteps. A brow lifted, turning to see who else was lurking around behind the shops of Knockturn Alley.
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