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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
He was immediately pinched, a laugh escaping her lips and straight into his mouth. Everything felt far too good to be annoyed by his roaming and teasing hands. Maybe tomorrow she'd feel the regret and complete embarrassment, but right now? Rupert Brookstanton's hands on and all over her were far too hot against her skin to have a worry.

She was definitely pleased, but satisfied? As his hands grew busier, her lips took the initiative and kissed him up and along his jaw, giving his neck a decent bite to return his squeeze. Therese couldn't remember the last time she had so freely been with someone; Galvin was still new and with the intent of going nowhere so there wasn't any need to think outside the box when it came to this sort of thing, and Rémy? He'd always been the one in control of everything, and her melting mind was beginning to wonder what she'd ever missed about him.

Feeling a wave of intensity brought upon the insult to her ex, one of her hands went to the back of his head and she pushed her lips to his ear. Therese's eyes darted down the alleyway; she may be snogging the man who was not her date up against a brick wall, but she had some standards.

"Je peux pas assouvir à une allée," she breathed into Rupert's ear, a wicked smile curling up her lips as she pulled him closer, almost possessively. Tonight, he was hers.

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