"You know what! she hissed, tugging to free herself but it was to no avail. Therese huffed greatly, trying to catch her breath; she wondered how "I have blokes coming up to me asking for a special session because Spinnet's telling them that---" Her face flushed even redder, if that was possible, and it was suddenly very hot, "That you and I..."
Therese stopped struggling, staring daggers into his eyes. For someone in her field of work, it should have been easy to figure out why he would've done something like this. Men were always competing, it probably was just some show of masculinity; let's tear down the pretty woman we both have in common to have something in common. Overcompensating in the areas they lacked. It should be that easy to accept, but she'd found herself enjoying her time spent with Rupert, no matter how random it seemed to be, she'd actually thought they had become something like friends. Now all she could think about was the bloody locker room talk that must go on about her.
"My whole reputation could be ruined," she let out lowly, the ramifications of a few gossiping quidditch players coming to mind. Mon dieu, would her chief believe her over the whispers? All he had to do was look at who she had been spending her time with, it would be very easy for anyone to jump to the bad conclusions. Therese had never done anything with a patient outside of attending some events, but even then she kept her distance and knew how to talk to them in public, it...she was going to be humiliated for something she didn't even do. That seemed to be a recurring theme in her life.
"I took on Spinnet as a favor to you and---how could you let him think that we--!" Merlin, she couldn't even say it, just the thought of what Spinnet believed went on between them making her heat up all over.
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