Seth knew practice would be rough, the announcement was a surprise to everyone except management. Five days and he would be on a new team and then he could finally just move on. It was so pointless that he even had to attend these practices now that the announcement was made but there was nothing he could do about it. He wasn't released from his contract until Friday and the only way he was going to get out of practice was if the Captain said he didn't have to be there. Like hell Seth was going to try and ask Odette to skip out.
He could hear the hushed voices as he approached the locker room and doubled checked his watch. Nope he wasn't late, just looks like everyone else decided to show up early. Go figure. He pulled open the door and walked in like it was any other day. He ignored the sudden silence as he walked across the room to his locker.
He could almost feel them watching him as he tossed his back into the locker and sat on the bench and started pulling out his gear. He certainly wasn't going to say anything first, so he just focused on his putting on his gear, continuing to pretend it was just any other day, until someone decided they wanted to talk to him.
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