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••• o j β ([info]cockaigne) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-12-26 14:56:00

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Odette had actually been enjoying her relatively eventless holiday season. With Noah home, and Terry and Anna getting older, she had been doing wife/motherly things that there hadn't been the time for, or she simply had no interest in doing before. Who knew that making endless batches of Christmas cookies could be so rewarding? Or cooking lavish familial breakfasts? And don't get her started on gift shopping; she was definitely sure she had gone overboard this year, and therefore their children were well on their way to becoming spoiled.

But, nonetheless, she should have realized that things had been too quiet, and when this Seth drama started to boil, Odette knew it would be a matter of time before it completely blew up. The Magpies did not like having their teammates traded, regardless of who they were, and it notoriously never went over well when it was made obvious that the trading was of the player's own doing. Practice would be fun--- and by fun, she meant not at all, because if it did by some miracle start on time, then passive aggressive anger was bound come out later through the form of a push or a remark, or something, and then it would all be downhill from there.

Of course, she knew deep down it would be hard to make any promises herself. This growing burn in her stomach was not seeming to go away anytime soon, and--- Odette sighed, stopping herself before she entered the locker room. No, that was wrong. As a leader, she should stay unbiased and logical, only using her passive aggressive anger in appropriate manners. Like letting Seth run for a bit longer while the rest of them took a water break. For good measure, she rolled her head to crack her neck before knocking the door open and walk in.

Seth wasn't here yet. Sending a look to her teammates already present, Odette dropped her bag to the ground. "Well."

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