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davy gudgeon ([info]dagudge) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-03-16 12:05:00

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Entry tags:davy gudgeon, elspeth bell


Davy picked up a little blue bonnet and twirled it around his finger, looking over the store and seeing the division of clothes - it was like a muted, pastel rainbow with blues on one side and pinks on the other with lots of other mixed colours in the middle like yellow and green. He was a little disappointed that no one was having a boy, because okay, the girl stuff was cute, but there were just so many dresses Davy could look at before wanting to find himself in some pub, listening to the wireless and spitting on the floor.

But it had been his idea to go shopping, though Davy had kind of thought it would be window shopping and maybe stuff for his new flat, but they'd passed by a baby store and well there was no reason not to, plus, it wasn't like Ellie'd gotten a lot of time to shop for Baby Bell while being at school. He spotted something bright and grinned, setting the bonnet down and headed over to it. Pulling the onesie off the rack, Davy turned to where Ellie was perusing a wall of very frilly dresses and called out to her.

"Hey Ellie, what do you think?" Davy held up the orange article of clothing under his chin so she could read the text that said '#1 Cannons Fan'.

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2008-03-16 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"But you will want active and noisy kids to keep me occupied. What are you going going to do with me if you have a house full of well-behaved book nerds?" Davy said, following over and picking up a baby book and waving it about. It didn't really occur to Davy what they were talking about, it was just joking around, right? Plus, they were only eighteen, it wasn't like they were going to be like Liz or Lily and jump into the whole married and family thing.

Davy flipped through the book before tossing it back on the table and grinning at Ellie, "I was a wonderful little boy, it was Vinny who was the hooligan. Always pushing me out of trees and into the lake. It's the Hufflepuffs you have to worry about."

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2008-03-17 04:34 am UTC (link)
Oh, so he was talking about them? Well, that was... oh gosh, what was she even doing, turning this into a big deal? This was just playful conversation, it was nothing to get flustered about. They were just joking around--and yet, she couldn't get her imagination to stop running wild with itself, no matter what she did.

"Somehow, I don't believe that you were that innocent," she told him, smirking, her tone amused. "But I simply can't believe that sweet, sweet Vinny would be a troublemaker. That you would make him a scapegoat, honestly, Davy, it's just not nice!"

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2008-03-17 05:25 am UTC (link)
"Oh please, Vinny was a demon, just ask Gladys. Before I went to live with them, I dreaded going over because Vinny would run me ragged and then when we shared a bedroom, there was just no getting away from him. Like a gnome really, just never let up!" Davy laughed, leaning forward and smirking. It was true, though he was embellishing just a little.

"So it's the cousins we'll have to worry about. My children will be quiet, quirky and well behaved, your children are going are going to be hooligans, dancing all over the place and making rackets," Davy stuck his fingers in Ellie's side with the intent to tickle her mercilessly, "But, what do you think they'd make if they were the same kids, eh?"

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2008-03-17 05:55 am UTC (link)
Blimey, he just had to go and ask that, didn't he? He must have been determined to turn her ears red, and to be honest, his methods were quite effective.

"EEP!" she squealed, then quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. Squirming, she tried to get away from his hand, but--bloody hell, she was so damn ticklish and they were getting stares and making a scene, the berk! Barely missing knocking over a display of booties, Ellie finally managed to get out of Davy's arm's length.

"I think they'd be very, very confused, that's what," she responded finally, eyeing his hand suspiciously. "Possibly suffer from multiple personality disorder. But they would be very smart and very brave, and they would be fantastic Quidditchers and all of them would know how to dance a samba flawlessly, and they'd bring home the best fingerpaintings from primary school every day because they'd be so artistically inclined."

Wait, had she just really gone into all of that?

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2008-03-17 06:21 am UTC (link)
Davy held up his hands near his shoulders in an innocent fashion as he sauntered over to her, glad the store clerks were busy with a different couple who seemed hell-bent on getting everything off the top shelf. Davy pointed at them and instead of waiting for her to look, he leaned in and stole a quick kiss as a reward for himself. Then he registered what Ellie had actually said and he leaned in for another kiss, this time a sweet one and he placed his hand on her cheek. He pulled back slightly and smiled at her, bumping their noses together. Davy was amazed that they'd managed to make it nearly a year together and now they were talking children together like it was no problem. He didn't think it was a joke now, and was surprised at himself, that the idea of having kids with this woman wasn't making him run out the door. Davy was sure he didn't want them Right Now, but, the idea of having them in the future... well that wasn't so bad.

"They'll be the most amazing kids ever, because you're their mum," he said quietly.

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2008-03-18 02:36 am UTC (link)
It wasn't a joke, for some reason Ellie knew that everything she had said just then hadn't been out of teasing or silliness or anything like that. She hadn't been... well, she wouldn't say that she had been serious, because heck, there was no way that she and Davy were starting a family any time soon. But the thing was, she could still see starting a family with him, someday, when they were older and out of school and had jobs and all of that adult stuff hit them. If they were still together, of course, but if they had made it this long with the way they fought, then it shouldn't have been too far a stretch to say they could make it further, right?

"Well, I think their Da'll have something to do with it too," she smirked a little, leaning in to catch one more kiss before she pulled away, conscious of making too much of a public display of affection.

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