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E L S P E T H [ bell ] ([info]jelliebelly) wrote in [info]valesco,
Blimey, he just had to go and ask that, didn't he? He must have been determined to turn her ears red, and to be honest, his methods were quite effective.

"EEP!" she squealed, then quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. Squirming, she tried to get away from his hand, but--bloody hell, she was so damn ticklish and they were getting stares and making a scene, the berk! Barely missing knocking over a display of booties, Ellie finally managed to get out of Davy's arm's length.

"I think they'd be very, very confused, that's what," she responded finally, eyeing his hand suspiciously. "Possibly suffer from multiple personality disorder. But they would be very smart and very brave, and they would be fantastic Quidditchers and all of them would know how to dance a samba flawlessly, and they'd bring home the best fingerpaintings from primary school every day because they'd be so artistically inclined."

Wait, had she just really gone into all of that?

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