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davy gudgeon ([info]dagudge) wrote in [info]valesco,
"But you will want active and noisy kids to keep me occupied. What are you going going to do with me if you have a house full of well-behaved book nerds?" Davy said, following over and picking up a baby book and waving it about. It didn't really occur to Davy what they were talking about, it was just joking around, right? Plus, they were only eighteen, it wasn't like they were going to be like Liz or Lily and jump into the whole married and family thing.

Davy flipped through the book before tossing it back on the table and grinning at Ellie, "I was a wonderful little boy, it was Vinny who was the hooligan. Always pushing me out of trees and into the lake. It's the Hufflepuffs you have to worry about."

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