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davy gudgeon ([info]dagudge) wrote in [info]valesco,
Davy laughed as Ellie snatched it away and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, leaning in to rest his chin on her shoulder, continuing his teasing tone, "Oh come on, it's hilarious. Just imagine the look on Ian's face when Liz opens that. It would totally be worth it. Even as a gag gift, hi-lar-ious, Ellie. I would want a picture of that moment and to frame it above my mantle. I would decorate my flat to compliment that picture it would be such a precious moment."

He snickered again and pointed to another display, "They have Hogwarts quidditch robes over there. I'm thinking Gryffindor. There should always be more Gryffindors in the world. Better to start her early, tip that balance a little more to the scarlet and gold side. I know all my kids will be Gryffs, there's no denying this awesomeness."

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