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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-12-14 00:16:00

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Entry tags:charles spinnet, therese bonaccord

WHO: Charlie Spinnet and his new therapist person, Therese :D
WHAT: His first session actually gets maybe something accomplished?
WHERE: Her offices!
WHEN: Today! After practice

After at least a dozen failed attempts at seducing the pretty therapist, Charlie slumped down onto her couch with a defeated sigh.

“I don’t know why I’m here.”

She blinked, looking relaxed in the high backed chair. Charlie wondered where he’d seen her before, but these past few months had been such a blur that maybe she was one of the broads he’d been with and stiffed when it came to a second date. He had a feeling that she wouldn’t be looking so concerned about him if that was the case, and he let his head drop back into the couch.

“You don’t know why people would want you here?”

“They think I’m nuts, or something,” he said, waving his hand. “I don’t know one bloke that wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if they could be.”

“I know quite a few.”

Charlie’s head lifted quickly, “I thought this was a judgement-free zone.” The healer smiled, and ducked her eyes to write a few notes.

“I’m stating a fact.”

“Yeah, well,” Charlie grumbled, “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

The healer continued to jot down notes, and Charlie twisted in place, crossing and uncrossing his arms, his head dropping forward as he could not peel his eyes away from the parchment. He hated being examined, he hated being critiqued, and all these stupid sessions were about were finding out what was wrong with him. Nothing was wrong with him. Nothing was wrong! He wasn’t doing drugs, he wasn’t cheating in his sport, he hadn’t gotten any birds pregnant, he was always at practice on time, what was he doing wrong?

“Can you tell me what your friends think about you?” the healer asked, and Charlie’s tongue twisted in his mouth. It barely felt like he had friends anymore, but he shrugged.

“My sister thinks I’m a drunk, my best friend’s pissed because I slept with his ex, and my captain made me come see you, so how do you think they feel?”

“You don’t mind upsetting them?”

“I---I don’t try to,” Charlie said, annoyed that she was managing to get him to speak. He had planned on sitting in silence, but his ego wouldn’t allow her piercing gaze to seemingly read his mind without fighting back, “I don’t go to work drunk, Axe somehow got out of his own therapy bullshit, and---it was a two way thing! I didn’t make Rose sleep with me!”

The healer’s hand went up, “You don’t have to defend your actions; I want to know if it bothers you that you’ve upset your family and friends.”

Charlie gaped, feeling his face flush and he looked away and out the window. He didn’t have to answer her. He didn’t owe her anything, he didn’t even want to be here! His performance on the field had not been affected, so why the hell had his management insisted he be forced into these sessions? Who was he hurting? Well---besides Octavius, but Charlie had dropped things with Rose quick enough, and those two had dated so long ago that it shouldn’t even---like they’d never kissed the same girl, or fought over a girl, or---

“Well---yeah, I’m not some heartless bastard,” he admitted with a grumble, “I still go to dinner with my sister when she demands it.”

“People seem to demand a lot from you.” The healer’s calm tone made Charlie look up, and it caused him to wonder; had anyone ever thought that of him before? He knew he wasn’t the best keeper, he knew he wasn’t the best looking guy. Who was demanding anything of him other than himself?

He really did not like this healer. She was making him think.

“I suppose,” Charlie mumbled, shifting against the cushions, finding that he was feeling more comfortable by the second. This was a particularly nice couch. He sneered as the healer smiled, and she flipped over her collection of parchment and began to write some more.

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