Who: Sam and Ally Davies!
When: Lunchtime!
Where: Davies home!
What: :X
Allyson snuck out of the twin's room and did a little dance once the door was shut. Both twins and Roger were all asleep. At the same time. It was such a rare occurrence. Either the twins were asleep or Roger. Or the boys, and not Lynne. But all three? It was most definitely time for a celebration.
She skipped down the stairs and made her way to Sam’s office, where he was probably hard at work. And she wasn’t suppose to bother him during the day so he could get all his work done. It was the deal they made when he started working from home, but really all the kids asleep was to good a deal to pass up. She slipped into the room silently, she was getting good at being stealthy. When she didn’t trip over things that is.
“Guess who!” she said slipping her hands over her husbands eyes. “Or rather, guess what I just accomplished.”
Sam was in a groove with his writing. It wasn’t easy to do with an article about the slight changes in broom designs, but he was trying. A smile crept onto his face when he felt his wife’s hands on his eyes. Work be damned, the broom details could wait. His hands went to cover hers on his face. “Hmmm...have you just found a cure for dragon pox? Or have you just won a grand prize contest?” He pulled one of her hands away from his eyes and down to kiss it before tilting his head back to stare up at her with his one uncovered eye.
Ally grinned leaning down to kiss Sam. “A grand prize of sorts.” she slipped down sitting his lap. “All the kids are asleep. We have approximately two child free hours.” she pulled the pen out of his hand and put it on the desk.
“So I’m thinking I could make you lunch, and we don’t have to worry about it being thrown on the walls. And then dessert.” She smiled coyly at him. “Can you abandon work for a few hours?”
A look of deep thought crossed over his face. “Hmm...a quiet lunch without mess and dessert? I’m not sure...this article is very important, after all.” He wrapped his arms around her, his hand gently running up and down her back.
“What did you have planned? For lunch and dessert, I mean. You may be able to convince me to abandon my work,” he said slowly, a smirk creeping onto his face. How often did they get all three of the kids down at once, though? This was definitely work celebrating!
“Well I was thinking of pulling out that frilly pink apron I have, and dancing around the kitchen while I make spaghetti.” She started standing up and pulling his hands into hers. “And for dessert, I believe there are strawberries and whipped cream in the refrigerator.”
She tugged on his hands. “Do I have your attention? Clock is ticking. Time is limited.”
“Oh, you have my full attention,” he said, standing up. “You know how much I enjoy that frilly pink apron.” He grabbed her around her waist and hoisted her on top of his shoulder. “What would you say if I demanded my dessert first, though?” he asked curiously as he made his way to the kitchen.
He’d missed being playful like this with her. Things had been so busy with work and the kids that it was hard to find the time to do so. But this was no time to think about that; he was going to focus and not let worries about work or anything else deter him. “If our time is limited, we should really capitalize on what we’ve got, you know.”
“Hmm. You do have a valid point.” Ally said tilting her head to the side with a small smile. She lead him into the kitchen. “Well, I suppose dessert first is doable.” she said leaning over to pull the strawberries from the bottom drawer.
“But I’ll have you know, if we don’t get to the spaghetti before the kids wake up, you get to clean up after it gets thrown to the floor.” she said dipping a strawberry in whipped cream and holding it out to him. “Sound fair?”
“Completely fair,” he said, taking a bite out of the strawberry. He picked up a strawberry, dipping it and then holding it out for her. “So, how is it that you managed to get all three of them to sleep at once?” This seemed like the sort of day that would live in infamy. “And how can we make sure that it happens more often?”
“Well, I might of bribed Roger with the promise of ice cream after dinner. And the twins...” The twins were mere luck really but Sam didn’t need to know that. “Well, let’s just say I’m very talented.”
She took a bite of the strawberry, licking her lips afterwards. “So...” she said dipping her finger in the whipped cream. “Since I don’t know when I’ll be able to manage this again. Shall we enjoy dessert in the bedroom, or just stay out here in the kitchen.” Ally asked eating the whipped cream. Honestly lunch was really never part of the plan. Like she was passing up afternoon sex. No matter what Sam decided.
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