"Of course I'll help you! I'll..."
Her words had sunk in, and were confusing. Henry continued to stare at her as he tried to figure out what she meant by that. It wasn't as if he particularly wanted his girlfriend to be doing anything strenuous unless it was...you know, with him, but that kind of activity shouldn't be strenuous on a person, and why was she mentioning the next nine months?
That was a strange time line. Nine months? That wasn't very long, relatively speaking, it was---it was the amount of time that----
His head was about to explode, it felt. Henry blinked a few more times at Heidi, trying to keep his entire being steady as his words really sunk in. She could...not be saying what he thought she was saying. It could be some other ailment that kept her from doing strenuous activity for the next nine months, but would it be terribly rude to ask if it was?
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