There were words being whispered at her that did not sound remotely sexual or dirty. Her brain fuzzed in and out before the words sank in, and she nodded mutely. Not that she'd had reason to in the past, but her schoolmates had been enough of an inspiration to her to not ever want to be in their position. And Greta always assumed she'd be the responsible one, so if she wasn't so busy wanting to push him down to the floor and have her way with him, she might be embarrassed that it had fallen to Ludo to clarify. But no, still with the wanting to rip his clothes off…
By some miracle or other, Greta had avoided openly whimpering, but now with her thighs settled around him, with all that pressure, that rocking, it was getting much more difficult to exercise what little control she had left. To help herself out and occupy her mouth, she leaned forward to tug at his earlobe with her teeth, managing to whisper, "I'm ready."
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