Piña coladas...that was certainly an interesting choice. Ludo had never heard the song before, but he was enjoying watching Greta as she sang and danced. He found himself grinning in a rather dopey manner. "Well, the part you knew was quite good. Maybe we'll see if we can't find a muggle bar with one of those song box things to hear the rest. It is a song that muggles like, yes?" Anything to spend more time around Greta, he decided.
They turned down a small alley that lead to the Dragon's Den. Ever the gentleman, Ludo opened the door for Greta before following her in. There were some knowing waves and nods from other patrons that Ludo acknowledged before leading her to the back where his favorite table sat. He pulled out her chair before seating himself. Within a minute or two of sitting down, a waitress made her way over. "Oooh, Ludo, we weren't expecting to see you here tonight!" the young witch said excitedly. "What can I get for you, dear?"
Ludo grinned. "I couldn't let someone come to Wimbourne without a stop by for a drink. Can I get a piña colada and a dirty martini, shaken."
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