While the rest of his team was still riding high on the win against the United, Charlie had found it difficult to be satisfied. They had hit him hard, and he'd let up more goals than he had in weeks and it felt like the rush of being captain and performing well had deflated completely. It didn't help that his hand still ached when the weather turned, but Axe had done his best to fix him up before the match (along with a lot of scolding in French). While getting mended Charlie had not been able to hold back all that had transpired with Fawcett in the corridor, which meant revealing that he'd been seeing Penelope, which meant that he was probably going to be put on the strictest schedules known to man to keep his mind focused on the game.
It also meant that he earned a few smacks to the back of his head, but that wasn't out of the ordinary from Le Capitaine.
He'd managed to escape his tyrant of a captain and his personal trainer today, however, because of some contract negotiations and other boring parchment work that needed to get done. Instead of going to the pitch for his workouts, Charlie found himself drawn to the park where he and Penelope had spent so much time. He felt like such a bleedin' sap for it, but it really was the best outdoor area to run, and he must've lapped it four times before he decided to call it quits. Some part of him thought that maybe coming back there would have her magically appear, but Penelope was avoiding him, of course she wouldn't go to a place they had hung out before. It was stupid of him, really.
Across the street from the exit of the park he took was a muggle bookstore, and Charlie remembered how his niece had been going on about how he had no bedtime stories for when she slept over. She was just as demanding as his sister, honestly, and it was just better to comply with Alicia's demands than not, so he started towards the store front.
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